Tuesday, 24 March 2009

finally some cards to show!!!

Hello all...goodness i hear you all say, she is showing some of her cards off!!!! Yes ok I've been terribly slow at getting this blog of the ground but Ive made a promise to my self now to keep more up to date with my card making. BUt i have been busy with maing loads of cards for the spring fair at Adams school made £65 pounds so i was very happy on that plenty of money to re stock on crafty items!! then still trying to get my job going i heard that all checks are complete now so now just waiting on dates now for training and then hopefully i shall be earning some pennies!!!

right now on to some cards eh!!

1 comment:

  1. Your cards are delightful Mrs Giraffe (lol) - read your profile so it makes sense now Emma - good luck with the new job hun *hugs* Steph xxx


thanks so much for your comments xx