Friday 11 September 2009

where has it gone

Hi all i've lost my mojo, but hoping cos my last couple of days has been so mad that is the reason, well last night i had my first ever night shift so yesterday i tried desperatly to have a kip but nope wasn;t happening, so i did my shift and really enjoyed it learnt a lot more of the ward and as the only nursery nurse i was having a lot more responsibilty. So then i come home and pick up adam only to then have to dash up to glasgow to take him to yorkhill the childrens hospital for more dental work, to be then told that he will need a general anethestic to remove 3 teeth and put metal caps on the new adult teeth coming through, because of adams metabolic condition his teeth were always more prone to needing work, but to now know that i have to put him through surgery is horrid. Plus the recovery will be harder as he needs to eat certain amount of food everyday and supplements and his mouth so sore i've got a feeling i've got a huge battle on my hands, and then at the back of my head i'm constanyl worried about the brain damage that could occur. my poor boy. ON top of me being emotional wreck i've not caught up on any sleep today so on about 36hours no sleep arghhhhhh, sorry for a ramble and of course i will let u all know when his operation date comes through, i so hope i sleep and i can make some cards tomorrow to get back to normal, love and hugs and thanks for reading my ramble xxxx


  1. Oh honey sending you huge hugs. Try not to worry I know easier said than done. Have a relaxing weekend, big hugs for Adam too.

  2. Oh poor you no sleep is one thing but having to go through so much with Adam is another. Having had a child who until the age of 13 was constantly in and out of hospital with epilepsy and lung problems which compared to Adam's problems is nothing I do understand the strain and worry these little chaps have on us. I wish you a nice long sleep and hope that you don't have to wait too long for Adam's appointment.
    Kim xXx

  3. Aww Emma you sound so tired - night shifts are awful until your body gets more used to them. Big hugs to Adam too - dental work isn't much fun at the best of times, on top of all your other worries about him.

  4. aww Emma , I hope things aren't as bad as you think for little Adam and I'm sending you lots of cyber hugs Jill xx

  5. Hi Emma,
    You certainly got your work cut out - all the best for Adam.
    Do not doubt yourself you sound like your doing a marvelous job he is one lucky little boy!
    big hugs
    Suzie qx

  6. Hi Emma, I'm so sorry to hear that you have had such a rough week and poor little Adam having to go through surgery too! Take care...both of you...hugs Donna x


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