Monday, 16 November 2009

OH NO!!!!

Hi all two diasters have struck in my household, firstly my laptop cables and plug ones have gone so now wainting for new power cables to arrive tomorrow so hoping that is the problem and i don't have to send my computer away as it will be gone for 7-10 days arghhhhh, so this morning quickly nipping on my friends one to catch up.

Now the bummer one adam has been diagnosed with the dreaded swine flu and sadly he is a very poorly boy ended up at hospital sat night with him as he was quite unresponsive and his temperature had spiked to 41.3oC so i knew this was not good. they reckon he has picked it up as his immune system low from his operation, and on phoning the school this morning he only 1st case confirmed has to be my boy to spread it round the school!!! so now looking after a poorly boy and trying to contain his pku levels as well so a bit of a stressed an non sleeping house hold oh the joys!!!! just got to get adam better for next week as its his birthday, and i so so do not want it so i'm drugging my self now with vitamins.

grrrrrr, i so hope to back tomorrow peeps as got some cardsto show and i want to be back in the world of blogging, facebook and normality as a computer is normality for me (HOW SAD)


  1. I hope he feels better soon Emma and I will keep him prayer.


  2. Emma I hope Adam makes a speedy recovery.

    Hugs Pam x

  3. Poor Adam, the little treasure, give him a big hug and tell him we all wish him well and get better soon. Take care too Emma Adam needs you at you best, hope your computer is in working order very quickly, I know i can't do without mine.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  4. Oh no not little Adam...that's so not fair :( hope he's on the mend soon Emma, sending big HUGS to you both :) Donna x

  5. So sorry Adam is not feeling to good, I wish him a speedy recovery and that you yourself does not get.
    Keep your chin up I know it can be hard especially when you are on your own but we are all here for you.
    Kim xXx


thanks so much for your comments xx